Scene: Frozen conflicts. Biological organisms grappling with the static violence of manmade structures.
Act 1: The trees are cut as their unusual growth is seen to be damaging the fences they have enveloped.
Act 2: The fences are cut and the objects emancipated as a refutation to this claim of ownership.
Act 3: The objects are cleaned, sealed and presented as totems to this grim theatre.
In 2002, a friend, Astrid Lorange, said to me over a drink that it would be curious to have a deck of playing cards assembled from ones found on the street. The following day I found one and began collecting. I picked up the final card in April 2018. Now that it is complete I’ll give the deck to Astrid.
A digital work of fiction, the Grendel Green Institute is a rehabilitation centre for artists adversely affected by their time spent working in the creative industries. The Institute views art-making as a self-destructive behaviour, a physical manifestation of an underlying trauma or imbalance.
The project presents the faithlessness of artmaking, positing an oppositional ideology to prevailing notions of positivity and persistence.
Grendel Green website was operational between 2018 – 2023.
Collaboration with Bogomir Doringer. An interdisciplinary intervention at the Natural History Museum, Vienna (14th of April, 2018 – 1st of July, 2018).
Continuation of research initiated in Vienna.
Proposal for a first-person ‘choose your own adversity’ game.
Each player assumes as their avatar Ragnar; Master of Crisis, Recipient of Fate. Ragnar, returning home from the brutal violence he faced in the trenches of the culture wars, is seeking penitents for his sins. Help Ragnar repent and explore your own complicity by making him perform tasks of purposeless labour. His only value is in his commitment to sacrifice.
Panopticon is a proposal for a mechanised assemblage inspired by theatre sets of the 18th century. Images of coral cut from magazines will be attached to electric conveyor belts. These belts will move inwards giving the viewer the impression that they are being drawn into this environment.
A sketch of the model is presented here in the hope that it could lead to a commission or collaboration.